Hot Drow Summer: Drizzt Do’Urden taking over

“Change is not always growth, but growth is often rooted in change.” – Drizzt Do’Urden

Hot girl summer is cancelled this year, instead we’re doing hot Drow summer.

Fan favorite from the Forgotten Realms, Drizzt Do’Urden is looking to take over this summer via a debut cross over with Magic the Gathering, an animated short voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch and rumours of a T.V show.

I don’t know about you but my body is ready for hot Drow summer.

Drizzt Do’Urden has appeared across novels, graphic novels and video games since 1988. He’s the Drow ranger who broke free from the Underdark’s Menzobarrenzan and found adventures, camaraderie and love on the surface.

On May 20, Wizard’s of the Coast revealed three more preview cards for the upcoming Magic the Gathering Adventures in the Forgotten Realms and our boy, Drizzt Do’Urden is one off them.

For those who don’t know, Magic the Gathering Adventures in the Forgotten Realms is a crossover set that brings in the Dungeons and Dragons universe for the first time ever.

So stoked.

The new preview cards revealed that Drizzt, Bruenor Battlehammer and Lolth the Spider Queen will be coming to the crossover set to be released this July.

Wizards of the Coast image

Also on the lineup for Drizzt’s summer is the Dungeons and Dragons Dark Alliance remake set to release on June 22.

Among other heroes, you can play as our fave Drow ranger.

According to an interview with Wizards of the Coast, Jeff Hattem has been a longtime Drizzt fanboy.

“I read the books as a teen and I have very vivid memories of the action in my head of Drizzt dashing around with his scimitars,” said Hattem.

“That was the inspiration to make an action game that was based on Drizzt.”

May 20 was literally lit with Drizzt hype because Dungeons and Dragons released on their YouTube channel “Sleep Sound” which is an animated short featuring a lullaby written by R.A. Salvatore and voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch and it absolutely gives one goosebumps when watching.

R.A. Salvatore watched it for the first time in completion during his live interview with Wizards of the Coast and he looked impressed.

“That was amazing,” he said.

Salvatore also talked about his upcoming novel Starlight Enclave: Book 1 of The Way of the Drow series.

Asked what readers can expect from the new story, Salvatore enigmatically replied, “… It’s a place I want to have some adventures.”

“I’m not changing anything – I’m expanding, I’m following up on the new understanding of what happened in Menzoberranzan; the idea that’ the only Underdark Drow culture isn’t true,” said Salvatore.

The novel is available for preorder from his website and will be available August 3.

Also rumbling around the internet rumour mill is that there is a live-action T.V. series planned where Drizzt might be the main protagonist.

Summer of Drizzt is exactly what my soul needs during the ever-dragging on pandemic.

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