Text-based terror: Suffer the Night is coming to haunt your dreams in 2023

And what do we say to the creepy being in the white mask? Not today!

One-two, jumpscares are coming for you — in the form of a text-based adventure meets first-person horror.

Assemble Entertainment and Tainted Pact are starting 2023 off with a scream by way of the unique horror experience delivered by their latest title: Suffer the Night. 

Blending first-person survival horror with 80s slasher vibes, Suffer the Night creates a dread-inducing atmosphere with a gripping narrative and jumpscares aplenty’, according to a press release issued by Assemble on Feb. 3. 

Not gonna’ lie, the trailer definitely hit the mark and maybe I jumped a little – just a little.

Reason #345 on why I will not stay in the spooky cabin in the woods on my own.

In Suffer the Night, players take on the role of Stacey Liden, a painter who specializes in horror illustrations in her isolated woods-bound cabin. After receiving an envelope containing a mysterious floppy disk, Stacy boots it up on her old Eldrixon personal computer and begins playing.

As she progresses through the terror of the text-based adventure, she’s visited by a mysterious and threatening stranger urging her to finish the game. The strange and horrifying things within the game begin leaking into the real world.

Will Stacey survive, or will she suffer the night?

“We are thrilled beyond words to welcome Suffer the Night, our first true foray into horror, into our games catalogue,” said Stefan Marcinek, CEO and founder of Assemble Entertainment.

“Tainted Pact has woven together an impressive blend of dread and nostalgia, and we’re excited to be able to help bring this story of terror and woe to life.”

Suffer the Night weaves two genres of horror games into one by balancing the chilling anxiety of the text-based game with the freaky-deak dread of first-person horror. 

So prepare to flex them old-school gaming muscles in order to progress in the story within the Eldrixon and out. 

According to Assemble, Suffer the Night will be released later in the year but if you’re ready to get the heebie-jeebies now, there is a free demo on Steam

The demonic entity outside your door just wants you to play their cursed game. Go ahead, play it! What’s the worst that could happen?

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